Bad Vigaun package deals & offers

Our best suggestions and tips for holidays in Bad Vigaun

In need of some inspiration? There are so many different possibilities when it comes to holidays, especially when you are visiting a region such as Bad Vigaun. There is so much to discover, the beauty of nature on hikes and bike rides, culture and tradition at the best sights and attractions in Salzburgerland, and local food and drink supplied by regional gourmet food producers.

We have selected the following suggestions for eventful days during your stay in Bad Vigaun. Have fun browsing and planning your holiday.


Do you also need accommodation? Contact us at the Bad Vigaun tourist office:

Am Dorfplatz 11 | 5424 Bad Vigaun | Tel.: +43 6245 84116 | |

Discover the city of Salzburg

Excursion & experience with the SalzburgCard

Discover the city of Salzburg with the Salzburg Card. This offers one-time free entry to all sights and museums in the city of Salzburg. Free travel on public transport in the city and discounts on cultural events.

And the best thing is: Holders of the Tennengau Plus Card can use public transport to the city of Salzburg for free.


Included services

  • One-time free entry to all sights and museums
  • Free travel on public transport
  • Discount for cultural events
  • Discounts at many destinations

SalzburgCard for 24 hours from € 27.-
SalzburgCard for 48 hours from € 35.-
SalzburgCard for 72 hours from € 40.-

Available at the Bad Vigaun Tourist Office or from your accommodation.


Do you also need accommodation? Contact us at the Bad Vigaun tourist office:

Am Dorfplatz 11 | 5424 Bad Vigaun | Tel.: +43 6245 84116 | |